Decorative Painting: 5 mistakes you need to avoid

Decorative Painting: mistakes to avoid

Written by marika

March 24, 2022

Well, I have been thinking to write this article for a while! Actually, we often think first about what we should do and we never think about what we shouldn’t do.
Therefore, in this new article about Decorative Painting, I would like to tell you what are the 5 mistakes you need to avoid, especially if you’re a Beginner.
I wish I had such a “treasure” when I began painting! I actually found out many things by practicing along the path… but I want to save you some time, and some stress, because, we know that… mistakes are stressful, right? 😉

Let’s start!

Don’t read the Pattern carefully

The pattern packet is really important to achieve a good result. Not only because it contains the line drawing of the design, but also because there is the list of the colors and the other things you need and above all because there are the instructions you will need to follow. (Have a look here)
Have you ever tried to make a dessert without following the recipe? I did, but actually the result was a complete disaster! So, when you’re about to paint a new project, always take a couple of minutes to read all the instructions carefully. By doing this, you will find out immediately if you have everything you need and what are the instructions to paint the project, and this is important for point number 2…

Don’t understand the sequence of the steps

When we paint, understanding what’s better to do first and what later is very important, especially to avoid to touch up everything too frequently or paint something twice. For example, in my pattern packet I never write to basecoat everything first and then shade/highlight. Except if I’m writing the prepping instruction for a class of course. The reason is because when we shade, we might get other areas dirty, especially if there’s an element with a light basecoat next to what we are shading. So, we might need to basecoat that light element again. This happened to me many times when I was a beginner, only because I didn’t want to spend 5 minutes to read all the instructions before painting to understand what was better to do first and what later.

Think you need to draw on your own

Here we are! One of the questions, or observations I should say, that I receive more often! “I won’t be able to do it! I can’t draw!” Well, with Decorative Painting you actually don’t need to draw. As I mentioned in the article “Decorative Painting for everyone”, this is a way of painting where you start from a drawing that someone has already done for you. Do you know the cross-stitching patterns? In that case you also start from something that has already been done and you follow the instructions. And trust me, I could stitch a couple of times to… and I can’t even attach a button!!! The result was not so good at the very beginning, but just because I didn’t practice again! 😊

Don’t prep the surface properly

With Decorative Painting we can really paint on almost anything: wood, tin, fabric, plastic…
As I mentioned in the article about “How to prep the surface”, every material needs its own preparation. This is very important to paint on that specific material in an easier way and also to achieve a better result. (Watch the Tutorial here)

Don’t take any classes

As I always mention, practicing is one of the most important things. However, it is also important to take at least a Beginner Class, just to learn the basics. If you want, just by watching the tutorials on my YouTube channel you can get an idea about different techniques, but I really recommend to take at least a Beginner Class where you can learn how to paint a specific project from start to end. There are many techniques that are used and every project has its own difficulties and characteristics, or tricks I should say!
I am teaching online with different US Chapters, but I also teach classes with the Society of Decorative Painters and their Painting Academy. So, you might want to check their calendar from time to time and see if there’s something you like!

Ok, in this new article about Decorative Painting, I hope I have been able to give you some good suggestions and to explain what are the 5 mistakes you need to avoid. Both if you are at the beginning and if your creative journey and if you have already “walked” for a while.
Happy painting!

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