Hi and welcome to my website! My name is Marika and I live in Bologna, Italy.
My adventure in the painting world began more than 10 years ago, thanks to a broken door… yes… that’s right… but this is another story…
Since then, I have never stopped painting, and now this is a real passion for me!
I also lived in the US for some time, a piece of my heart is still there actually… in fact, I love everything that’s American Country style and, when I began painting, I fell in love with the Decorative Painting technique. I began taking some basic classes and then I practiced… a lot 😊
After some time, I had the opportunity to teach classes during some of the most important conventions we have in Italy.
Some time ago, I was able to join the Helping Artist Program by DecoArt and the Artists Program by Dynasty Brushes and this allowed me to start a beautiful collaboration with these wonderful companies in sharing the handmade culture and involving more and more people in the creativity world!
Painting has been a blessing for me because it opened my eyes to the painting and creativity world, and it also made my life better! Thanks to painting, I indeed met wonderful people over the years, and with some of them I was able to build a strong and deep friendship! I also had the chance to take many classes with American artists, amazing and talented teachers who helped me improving my painting skills and developing my own style and, in the end… becoming a Designer! However, I have to admit… I always consider myself as a student.
In my opinion you never stop learning, either from other teachers or from yourself…or better…from your attempts (I don’t like to call them mistakes 😊
I really enjoy teaching, what I like the most is hearing someone saying…. “I can’t do this” and then look at this person after the class, with the project done smiling at me. I usually say “you could do this, look at your job… you did it!”
Yes, that’s what creativity means… something that encourage us to get out of our comfort zone and then surprise us with what we have been able to do!
In this website you can see the projects that I did or I am doing, you can find patterns for beginners or advanced painters, some videos with “creativity tips” and some freebies too! If you have any questions or you want to get in touch, feel free to contact me by mail or through the social media.
and remember…
everything is beautiful if you made it with love!